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The writer that I am

I started writing, oh man, already 10 years ago and I never thought I would love it so much.

At first I was writing by hand, but quickly realized that it wasn't fast enough for all my ideas, so I started using Word. I probably started dozens of documents by telling myself “this is the idea I was looking for”. I kept writing by hand especially when I was in class and couldn't stop my imagination and didn't have my computer. I wrote and still write whenever I can, with what I have.

A song, a smell, a sound can give me an idea ... then another, and another, etc.

I don't consider myself to be an expert in the field of writing and it took me years to say I was a writer / author but now with one book published and two other written (I am working on the editorial side), I can say that I am a writer. But more than that, I am a published author.

I have heard several people tell me that they would like to be able to write something, that they have ideas for novels, for some stories. I have tried to listen to the advices of "known published author" and one thing I can tell you, is that everyone has their own way of writing, their own experience.

For me, I write fiction. I invent stories where my main characters go through hardships and grow up. I learn through them, I speak of the lessons I learned in life in my writings.

It's a form of therapy for me and now I need it.

My writing process:

I don't think I have a precise way of writing ... I don't have a sacred ritual that never changes. I can write wherever I am and on anything: a piece of paper, my phone, in a notebook or on my computer. It all depends on where I am and what equipment I have.

However, my favorite "way" is to write at home, on my computer, with something to drink and some music or whatever in the background to make noise.

But that's a must.

The main thing is to write. Sometimes, I just grab my phone and on the Note app, and write down the idea I have.

Music can really help me write a scene with intense emotion. I also have a playlist that I turn to when I write. There are all kinds of songs that I refer to when I need a specific vibe.

Nowadays, I wrote three novels. Two have the same characters and the third is so different. I didn't write them the same way, but I completed all three. Sometimes I have to force myself to write. I force myself to open the document on my computer and write one sentence, then another and another.

Sometimes what I write is very bad, but there are times when I am impressed and proud by myself.

Tips for writing and getting to the end of a project:

Like I said, I'm no expert, but here are some tips I can give you:

- begin. You have to start writing the idea you have in mind. You have to start somewhere. One sentence after another.

- write often even if it means forcing yourself or writing garbage. The first draft isn't the one you'll share, but it's proof that you can write so many words. Proof that you can do it and that the scenario you have in mind is good. This is where you put all your ideas and work on them again later.

- if you're having trouble, find a friend to talk about your ideas. My little sister helped me so much to finish my first book that I took my “author's name” after hers. She listened to me, told me when my ideas didn't make sense, and encouraged me to finish. It was so scary for me to put an end to my first novel, that it took me two years I think to write the words "The end". But she helped me not to give up and to write until to the end. On the other hand, you should not consider that because someone does not agree with your idea, that it is a bad idea. You have to listen to your guts and get on with the writing.

- find ways to stimulate yourself / your imagination: music, walks, a place, a smell ... anything. I had several different ways to stumulate myself to write my novel, Aurore, but after learning to write anywhere with what was around me I needed it less motivation. But for a start, it might be good to have some sort of ritual: the same type of music, the same place, the same drink...

Here are my tips for those who want to start writing their own stories / novels ;)

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