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My novel- New version

Since the first publication of my book in 2018, I have never managed to feel proud of this 'book' object. So, it was difficult for me to promote it. When you don't appreciate what you produced, what you created, even if it came from the heart, it's hard to sell it.

Don't get me wrong, I still love the story I wrote, I love the characters, the mood but the subject matter... I never did. I wasn't proud of his appearance. All white with only the title written in small letters in the middle. Plus, the price was too high and since I was a student, I didn't have money to pay someone to proofread my manuscript, so there were a few spelling mistakes.
I was so frustrated with this book that last year I decided to start the publishing process again. I had help to correct my manuscript and good advice to improve it. I listened and reworked on the first chapters. It took a long time, but I was so happy to get back into it.

Then, I sent my new manuscript to the “publishers”. One thing you need to know to get published is that it is very difficult to know how to choose a publishing house and how to get your writing out there (in France anyway).

There are so many “publishing compagnies” that aren’t really… 
I think I will do a full article later, because I need to share my experience, my mistakes to perhaps help some people not to do the same as me.
Anyway, I was accepted by the Blue Lily, then, a few months later, my book, this time with a pretty cover, was released.
It is available only in French (for now) I hope someday it will be available at least in English!

I'm so excited and happy to share this story with people.

Follow me on my Instagram account: @eloise_julee 🫶🏻

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