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My plans for 2021

First, I want to tell that 2020 was, yes, really hard but it taught me so much.

I don't want to forget about last year, I don't want to forget the lessons it brought nor the friendships and new beginnings.

BUT I want to do more in 2021.

I usually don't have any resolutions because like most of people at the end of the year we realize they were useless. Now, I have three main goals.

1- take better care of myself and particularly my hands. For 15 years, I have eczema on them. 2020 was the worst year for my skin and 2021 is going to be the healing one. I know for fact that skin and my emotional state work together. So, I know that for my skin to be healthier, I have to work on my mental health, my fears, my stress, and some issues I’ve been carrying for years and years. Getting better will ask me a lot, but I know that’s worth it. It’ll include different stuffs like moving more my body, pampering, listening to me, meditate, asking for help, using more natural products, be careful about what I eat and I’m sure more...

2- I want to become a certified interior designer. For that, I’ll have to make the time to study in between my two jobs and my passion for writing/creating.

3- 2021, is going to be the year where I work for publishing my second novel, Aurore 2. I know some of my French readers (I’m also working on the English version) are waiting for it for now two years. It’s scaring but also really exciting to be able to share my work. Writing is so important for me, now so I am going to write a lot in 2021. I started writing my fourth novel in January and I’m not going to stop here.

These are my goals. They are big but for me, the most important is the first one, because it includes my health and I’m tired of feeling the pain the eczema causes. This pathology has been a big thing in my life and became a part of my identity... because of it, I’ve lost almost all my fingerprints, I took OCD... but I feel it’s time to let it go.

What do you want to let go of?

What do you want to do more of?

What is the most important for you?

Answer those questions to know what you should spend more your time doing. Choose Joy, because there’s joy even in the hardest time.

“I think life is just asking you one thing: to never lose hope” that’s a quote in one of my manuscript and I think that’s an important one to remember.

2021, can be great if you want it to be.

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