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My advices to deal with stress...

Recently, I found myself particularly stressed, anxious for several days. I no longer had an appetite, I was constantly tired, the noise bothered me, my stomach ached, I was sleeping poorly / not enough, I had lost motivation ...

The first and probably the most significant thing I did to help myself was to recognize that I was scared, that I was stressed. The reasons for such stress are unique to everyone and in a way, it is not the most important. Everyone's reasons are valid, and no one needs to justify themselves.

"Recognizing that you have a problem is already a half-solved problem"

This first step allows you to ask for help. Perhaps the most complicated action of all. Asking for help involves talking about what is stressful, why, and the symptoms. Help can come from a professional or someone you trust. For my part, I asked for help from several people. Sometimes just talking about it with a family member can help put things into perspective, relieve the stress… Asking for help also means being ready to change, for the situation to change because we are going to do something. for that to change.

"Baby steps", one thing at the time... don’t put pressure on yourself, just take one step forward at the time.

  • True Lavender essential oil. Diffusing in the bedroom at night or just sniffing throughout the day allowed me to relax and sleep better.

  • Heart coherence or take the time to breathe. Taking deep breaths and exhales relaxes the body and mind. It also helps clear your head, when you are really focusing on breathing. Three times a day, for 5 minutes, 5 seconds’ inhale - 5 seconds’ exhale and to do especially when you feel your emotions are going to overflow.

  • Be patient and kind to yourself. There are times that are more complicated than others, but like everything in life, nothing is set in stone, nothing lasts. The times when anxiety is there, it may seem like they are endless, but that is not true. They are not. You have to be patient because it can take several days before you feel better. We have to be benevolent because it is not by criticizing ourselves, by telling ourselves that we are not up to the task that we will get better.

  • Listen to your body. Rest, there is no shame in needing a little rest at certain times. Laying down and taking the time for body and mind to rest can only do good. On the other hand, you shouldn't do just that. Moving your body allows you to secrete hormones that help you "have a good mood". No need for a long and intense workout, a few minutes of walking outside can already make a difference. Another reminder is to drink water to stay hydrated.

  • Go out in nature. This could sound useless but there is something special about enjoying a sunny day, picking flowers, listening to the birds... even rainy days have their charm. Just take a few moments to listen the nature and look around you: the trees, the flowers, the sky, the clouds, everything that is around you. Enjoy it, embrace it. Nature is calming, healing.

  • Allow yourself to cry. We must not be ashamed of needing to cry few tears once in a while, or even regularly. Crying makes it possible to exteriorize and to discharge emotionally. So, if you think you need it, do not hesitate to cry.

  • Take time for yourself. It can take so many forms: doing something you love, like me, is writing or drawing. You have to find something that feels good and set aside time in the day to write, draw, dance, sing, sew, meditate, pray ... It can also mean taking care of yourself: cooking a good meal while listening to your song. favorite, put on a mask on the face, take a bath, or even tidy up your room… It doesn't matter what it is as long as it's nice!

  • Keep a journal to find joy each day. Each morning I write in my journal 5 things that I am grateful for. I got this practice from Rachel Hollis, an American author, who introduced me to the Start Today Journal. It consists of writing down 5 things every morning that made you smile the day before. This allows you to keep your eye on throughout the day, at small moments of joy, small rays of sunshine on days that seem cloudy. There will always be something to write about. And sometimes, during the day, we say to ourselves: "I will write it tomorrow morning" and finally, there will be more than 5 and you will forget this one. The main thing is to look for the little moments of joy, writing them down is secondary.

This is what mainly helped me. To find out what works for you, you have to try several days and see what works. Remember to take your time, take time for yourself, take time to rest ... no need to justify yourself, but being able to ask for help is how to overcome difficult times.

I hope these few points will help some! I'd be happy to know what you do when stress comes into your life ;)

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