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Finding your path does not necessarily mean finding your career

As you must have understood by now, what I aspire to in life is to write. Write to maybe help people with this blog or distract them from their daily lives with my novels. I don’t see much else what I can do for a conventional career, going to an office every day and giving all my energy there isn't for me... I have never considered myself a careerist, if one day I am asked to choose between a life "at the office" to earn a lot of money or a life at home to take care of my family, the choice is quickly done. I choose family. Nothing is more important to me than family.

But the fact is that we have to make a living as they say and for that we have to have a job that allows us to pay the bills. When I was asked to choose in my last year in High School what I wanted to do, I had no idea. The only thing I wanted was to do short studies. I loved writing (but not reading), art (doing with my hands but being terrified of the critics), History (but not geography), psychology but I didn't see myself as a psychologist ...

I saw myself as a writer, a mom, and a wife and nothing else. Choosing a profession was therefore not an easy task. I studied journalism for a year but then changed to psychology for three years, then education for two, considering myself and being a little too sensitive to help others without destroying me. I am hypersensitive and find it difficult to distance myself from other people's problems. I want to help them so much, that I take their emotions and it weighs on me. Anyway, so I decided to change education again. I liked what I learned, my internships ... I know I could have been a good teacher or even therapist over time. But now, it was time and energy that I did not want to invest in a profession that I was not passionate about. The time and energy I could spend doing what fills me with pride and joy, which helps me get better and feel competent. Write, draw, create. I wanted time and energy for that, so that maybe, one day, to make a career out of it and even though I don't make it into a career, these "passions" / "hobbies" are important to me and I wouldn't let the rest stop me from practicing them. It's too important for me.

I don't mean you shouldn't study. They taught me a lot about me, the world, very interesting subjects ... but I decided to make a living with a " job to eat" while I set up my project, to be able to realize my dream. You don't have to have a great and prestigious career to be happy. All you need is to know what makes us smile and to reconcile your professional life with this (these) passion (s) that make you vibrate.

So, what are they? what makes you vibrate? what makes you want to get up in the morning and makes you proud? Tell me, I'd love to know.

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