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Comfort zone

My definition of a comfrot zone: place I love so much, that keep me safe from the outside world

BUT which is also keeping me away from some beautiful, big, surprising adventures, people ...

so, it’s a place I have to leave more to discover the world and myself ✨

For a long time, my confort zone included my pain and anger. But, I realized I couldn’t live in this place and yet, have the life I was dreaming for.

Some days, I wish I could stay in something I know so well, instead of getting out and discovering new things, be hurt and challenged... but the truth is, it asked so more courage to leave the pain, anger, sorrow and a place (physically where you know you are safe but stuck in) behind that it is to live in them, with them.

Healing is so hard and growing is so exhausted but in order to have the life, I hope for, I have to be courageous and move on the hard stuffs that made me: me.

I don’t need to take big steps, just one, one day at the time.

“Scars are not the reflection of what you’ve lost but of what they made you.”

I know now that I’m who I am because of the hard stuffs I went through and it might not be big things but they hurt me at a time I didn’t know how to process them.

Pain, is not a competition and healing is different for everyone. Healing is personal but you might not be able to do it alone.

So, if you are in a journey of healing, please remember this:

Asking for help, it’s brave.

Be committed, because it will ask you a lot of energy and strength. But it’s worth every effort you invest in it. You are strong enough to do this. And there will be days, you don't feel like it... that's okay, take a deep breath, be kind to you and go again.

Don’t lose hope, because life is beautiful.

Take one day at a time, that’s enough for now.

You don’t have to move on things, but use them to become stronger, to give back to others, to be present and enjoy what you have in the moment. Move WITH them and become who you are made to be: bright, joyful, amazing and so much more.

You are so loved and beautiful. I mean it. Seriously.

"I love you. You're probably thinking "you don't even know me." But if people can hate for no reason, I can LOVE"

A quote I saw in Instagram and loved, so I had to share.

Love is a choice.

Choose to love you.

Choose it everyday.

Take care of yourself. Be strong. Be hopeful. Be kind. Be patient.

I promise that it won’t last forever.

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