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Wildflower By Eloïse

I’m amazed by how wildflower grow wherever they find a tiny peace of land to bloom. They can grow anywhere if we give it time. I love walking someone and noticing those small and less small flowers on the side of the street, on a wall…

I get inspired by those who grow even if we think they don’t have enough space. I live in the city and I find that I don’t have space for myself. There is always a constructions, people in the street, the neighbors… always sound of a busy city full of people. But even though I feel sometimes trapped in the place I’ve decided to grow up. I’ve decided to bloom from this place I don’t feel home into. This is my life for now and I have to accept it and do my best to enjoy my time here.

In a song it says: “When a flower grows wild, it can always survive” and I want to be a little like this. I want to be able to survive and stand back up whatever happen in my life.

I’ve learned so much and changed so much in the past year and I know I’m not done.

I continue on my road and I observe the wildflowers that inspire me and give me motivation to continue... even if it is very hard and discouraging at times. You don't have to give up, do you?

I’ve created Wildflower by Eloise in this vision of growth in the unknown. I love creating and drawing but I don’t know a thing about business but I’ll learn, I’ll ask for help and advice. And I’ll find my way out the dirt to bloom.

Wildflower by Eloise is all about sharing a sweet note to a friend, a love one and that’s something important for me and I think really beautiful especially in those days where media and emails took away the pleasure of receiving a letter and a handwritten note. I’m so happy people like my cards and I can’t wait to bring it to the next level.♡

I join the link for my Etsy shop. I hope you would consider taking a look and why not support me by sharing a card to a loved one! ♡

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