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When you're feeling depressed for "no" reason...

We all have days where we feel depressed, sad or just "not okay". There are no "real" reasons for this feeling, this way but nevertheless, it is here.

(n.b.: being a woman, hormones are a real reason).

These mornings, when you wake up, the day ahead seems really complicated, but that doesn't mean it has to be. We all have the ability to change how we feel. Be careful, I'm not saying it's easy, but it's possible, I've experienced it.

First, in my opinion, we have to feel those feelings: sadness, anger, stress, depression... Accept that they are there. Take the time to welcome them. Digest them. And then, let them go.

Then, gather your energy to change: sadness with joy, depression with happiness, "not good" with "(very) good". It might take more than 5 minutes, or even half a day or even more than a day, but it's worth a try.

I have a few tips that may help some, I'm not saying it's going to work for everyone but I'm just suggesting you give it a try. It costs nothing, and can turn a gloomy and dreary day into a day full of sun and colors.

  • talk about it. Admitting that you're not at your best to someone who loves you and whom you trust is a first step. It's not easy and for years I hid it from those close to me, but that only fuels this gloom. Talking about it and letting the other support you, loving you is essential and a game-changer (for me anyway).

  • do what you have to do but be kind and gentle with yourself. If we are the same, we have a job and schedules to do. We can't just stay at home in our bed all day. We MUST go for it, even when it's hard, even when we don't feel capable. During these days, you have to take care of yourself. During breaks, we have to do what our body and mind tell us: isolate yourself to catch your breath, make yourself a coffee/tea/herbal tea, go outside, socialize with your colleagues or not... there is no has no good answers. Do what you know is best for you and above all, don't feel guilty!

  • breathe deeply. I have the Respirelax+ app on my phone. This allows you to do cardiac coherence for 5 minutes. You just focus on your breathing. This exercise brings us back to the present moment, to calm down and settle down.

  • find 3-5 things you are grateful for. every day, I try to take the time to find 5 things that happened the day before that I feel lucky or grateful for: from my morning coffee to sunset, to a new job... whatever what it is the exercise then makes it possible to look at the day while wondering: what will I be able to write in my diary? In the morning or in the evening before going to bed, this exercise helps to see the positive in a day.

  • take the time in your day to do at least one thing that you like, that makes you feel good. Taking time can be complicated, but it doesn't have to be hours. Some days it will only be a few minutes and others a few hours. We have to listen to each other, our body and mind know what we need, what we want: time for a mask, to do our nails, to create, to cook, to walk and pick flowers, to play sports, to sleep. ...

simple treasures :)
  • finally but above all: do not seek to explain your emotions or to justify them. Sometimes there are no reasons other than fatigue, hormones, or just no reasons at all. Always looking for an explanation, we miss the day. Instead of justifying yourself, focus on yourself. The body sometimes just needs that: that we take care of it, that we take time for ourselves, to slow down, to breathe. So, no need to explain. These emotions will pass, they usually don't last, and if they do, you may want to consider seeking professional help. Sometimes we need a little more help, support and that's completely normal. The world is moving so fast and so many horrible things are happening that some days it's really overwhelming. A professional can accompany and thanks to that we learn to better detach ourselves, take time for ourselves, to recharge our batteries and not let everything that is happening invade us.

Asking for help is courageous.

Asking for help is normal.

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