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Loving yourself

It has always been easier for me to help others than to do it for myself. And yet, I'm convinced that you have to take care of yourself to be able to help others properly.

In my opinion, to love yourself is first and foremost to accept.

Accept your imperfections, your flaws: your eczema for example and all those little things that at first you don't like in you but don't necessarily notice in others.

Loving yourself:

It is about accepting to be wrong sometimes, because it happens to anyone.

It's motivating yourself the same way you would do for someone else.

It is taking time for yourself, like you take time for others.

It's about stopping comparing yourself because you are enough.

To love yourself is to accept yourself as you are and nothing else.

Nobody is perfect and that’s perfect ✨

Loving yourself also means to take responsibility.

Be comfortable with what matters the most to me, even if others don't understand.

Embrace my differences and what makes me unique, even if that can be seen as a weakness.

Be comfortable with my passions, interests, even if others tell me "I don't like it" or "it's not good / good / beautiful".

Assume all that I am: personality traits, my body, my weak points and recognize and assume my strong points.

Be comfortable with the fact that you may need help.

Truly loving yourself is being comfortable with who you really are, even if it is not easy every day!

Do you have any tips to love yourself better?

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